Take These Three Steps To Continue To Keep Your Skin Healthy As Summer Winds Down

You’ve been spending your whole summer doing everything the skincare experts have told you to make sure you are protecting your skin and keeping it looking glowing and youthful.  As the summer months wind down you need to make sure that you are taking your skincare routine to the next level as cooler temperatures mean more pitfalls for your gorgeous skin.  It is important that you take a moment to consider what you will be doing for your skin in the coming weeks so that when the leaves start to turn and the temperatures start to drop you are ready to take on the harshness of the cold weather.

The good news is that you have plenty of time to take the steps you need to get your skin prepared and to make sure you take full advantage of all the work you put in over the summer to keep your skin looking great.  You spent a lot of time on skin protection over the summer to get a stunning tan, but also make sure your skin didn’t get burnt by the summer sun.  You did the right thing by wearing protective clothing when you were going to be exposed to the harsh realities of the heat in the summer months.  Now you need to take advantage of your good work and put forward a new plan that will be just as successful for the final month of warm temperatures.

How can you make a plan to keep your skin looking just as good as it has for the last few months?  There are three simple steps you can take that require only a small tweak to what you have been doing but will have an out sized impact on your skin health and well being over the next few months.  If you take these steps you will be setting yourself up for a winter of glowing skin that will be unmatched by anyone in your circle.

Step #1: Hydrate. You may want to leave this step on your routine every season of the year.  Hydration is a key component to having healthy and vibrant looking skin.  You will want to maintain hydration through drinking plenty of water.  If you enjoy fresh summer fruits and vegetables you were likely getting a lot of hydration through those sources, but as the season passes and the food shifts a little bit you will need to rely heavily on drinking lots of water to keep your skin elastic and avoid it drying out.

Step #2: Exfoliate. While you may have been exfoliating over the summer you are going to want to increase the frequency with which you are exfoliating over the next few weeks.  The good news is that our #1 selling InstantPeel is a gentle, at-home exfoliant that requires very little time to use and will give you great results.  You won’t have to worry about harsh chemicals and peels that will leave your skin red and blotchy.  InstantPeel is gentle on your skin and when used correctly it can have a tremendous impact on your ability to maintain your youthful look.

Step #3: Moisturize.  Just like the weather in the summer, as the fall air kicks in there may be less moisture in it and therefore you are going to need to supplement with the moisturizer that is right for your skin type.  If you’re not certain of your skin type you may want to seek the expertise of a professional dermatologist who can help guide you in the right direction.  Wherever you land, a moisturizer can go a long way in helping maintain the glow and youthful look of your skin that you worked so hard to maintain over the summer months.

Coming off of the summer you may be inclined to let your guard down and get a little bit relaxed about your skincare routine.  You should be doing the opposite of this as we head into the colder weather months.  If you continue to stay on top of your skincare and adjust it just slightly you will be able to have glowing and youthful looking skin throughout the fall and winter and people will stop you just to ask, how you did it.

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