These Three Simple Things Can Supercharge Your Skincare

We spend a lot of time talking about how you can perfect your skincare routine and take your skin from drab and old looking to youthful and vibrant.  Having a good skincare routine is vital to this endeavor, but it is not the only thing you should be doing to make sure your skin is exactly how you want it to be.  There are other things you can and should be doing to make sure you are achieving optimal results for your skin and making everyone stand up and take notice at how stunning your skin appears each and every day.

Even while you’re spending time trying to identify the perfect vegan daily facial cleanser and taking an extra look at the right moisturizer for your skin type you should be partaking in these other FREE things that can help your skincare routine thrive.

Your skincare routine can be supported through taking the following steps to make sure that your body is aligned with your mind and you are doing everything you can to keep your skin glowing.

#1: Focus on your diet.  The food you eat has an out sized impact on the health of your skin.  Just as you would look to your diet for ways to make your body healthier, you should look to your diet for ways to make your skin healthier.  This diet adjustment should including adding more fruits, vegetables and whole grains to your daily food intake.  You should also make sure that you are drinking enough water everyday so your skin remains hydrated.  Finally, you should reduce the amount of processed foods you’re eating including those that are filled with added sugars and unhealthy fats.  A renewed focus on your diet can go a long way in transforming the way you look at your skin.

#2: Get a good night’s sleep.  You should be getting between 7-9 hours of sleep each night.  Not only will this be good for your mental health, but it will also be wonderful for your skin.  You may notice when you’re not getting enough sleep that your skin begins to look dull and tired.  When this happens, your skincare routine will have to work overtime to make the impact you had hoped it would have.  Spending enough time sleeping will allow your skin to heal and rejuvenate itself which will have an nearly immediate impact on your skin health.

#3: Protect your skin.  A lot of people think that protecting your skin is a summer activity that can be skipped in the other seasons of the year, but this is not true.  Regardless of the season you should always be taking steps to protect your skin from the elements.  The most common element that you may be thinking about addressing is the sun, but this is far from the only element you need to be concerned about.  You should be shielding your skin from environmental factors such as pollution and smoke.

Even while you continue to tailor your skincare routine to fit your individual needs you can be taking the steps outlined above to supercharge your skincare routine.  The impact will be immeasurable as you start to see the additional sleep, the healthy eating and the skin protection making huge impacts on how your skin looks and feels.  Before you know it, you will be stopping traffic and people will want to know how you did it.  You can tell them it’s a combination of Earthen Skincare and a few simple steps that changed everything.

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