Consider These Three Things When Planning Your Back To School Skincare Routine

It’s hard to believe, but in just a few short days now students from all over the United States will be headed back for their first days of school.  Whether they are pulling up to their dorm rooms at college or hopping on the bus for their first few days of high school, students are getting ready to go back to school.

This brings with it of course, a handful of things that need to be completed.  Schedules need to be determined and studied.  School supplies need to be purchased and readied.  Now, we can add a back to school skincare routine that needs to be figured out and executed so their skin is glowing and looking youthful as they head back into the lecture halls and classrooms of their school.

If you’ve got a student at home who is considering what their skincare routine should look like when they are heading back to school you may want to provide them with a little bit of guidance.  Of course, they will want to make many of the decisions themselves, but there are a couple of things you can remind them of to make sure that they are successful when it comes to maintaining their skincare routine.  As they say, with age comes wisdom and now is a perfect time to share some of this wisdom with your son or daughter who may be considering how best to create the perfect routine for their school year.

We most certainly can recommend the products that will be perfect for a back to school skincare routine.  We might recommend our Vegan Daily Facial Cleanser as a good option to keep your student’s skin free and clear of makeup and debris collecting on it.  Your student may also need a good quality moisturizer for the type of skin that she or he has.  While your student may not need to exfoliate every day, he or she may want to exfoliate once or twice a semester to keep that youthful look.

Once you’ve helped your student pick out the quality products she or he is going to need as part of their skincare routine, you can help them identify the things that will make their routine a success.  Two things that come to mind are as follows;

1.) Consistency.  It is a good idea to have some daily regimen.  Your student should keep in mind the amount of time she or he has in the morning and in the evening to make sure that what they are choosing to do as part of their skincare routine is possible in the time they have.  If they are going to be performing their skincare and being late to school, that won’t work.  They need to be able to develop a routine that can be done in a timely manner and that they can be consistent with.  You can help them with this.

2.) Keep their skin type in mind.  A lot of young skincare users don’t consider their skin type when thinking about how best to put together a routine.  This is a critical missed opportunity for them to get the most out of their skincare routine.  You can be a guide in this area too by helping to educate your student about the importance of knowing their own skin type and picking the right products that will fit into their routine perfectly.

While we believe that a good skincare routine is important for everyone, we also believe in self-love and acceptance.  Students, especially those who are just starting out in the world can be very self deprecating when it comes to their looks, so while you’re helping them find the skincare routine that is right for them, make sure you’re also pointing out the positives in their appearance and also emphasizing the importance of self acceptance and self-love.  If you can strike the right balance your student will head back to school as confident as ever.

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