Headed To The Beach? Use These Tips To Keep Your Skin Safe

You spend a lot of time on your skincare routine and are rewarded with youthful, glowing skin.  Your focus and attention to detail has led you to a point where you’ve gotten the routine down to a science and you would hate to ruin that by heading to the beach for a long day of fun in the sun.

There’s nothing quite like a day at the beach to make you feel like summer is in full swing, but you would hate to enjoy your day and then get home and realize that a lot of the work you’ve done to keep your skin well hydrated and fresh feeling has gone to waste because you take the proper steps you needed to take when you headed to the beach.

Here is the important thing, if you are heading to the beach, you need to go above and beyond your skincare routine to help protect your skin.  If you do that, you will come home with a golden tan to go a long with your youthful and vibrant skin.  If you don’t, your skin will get scorched by the sun and will cause you to play damage control with your skincare routine over the next few weeks.

So, when you head to the beach, what should your plan be and how can you make it so your day at the beach is fun in the sun and not scorched Earth for your skin when you get home and shake the sand out of your suit?  Take the following steps and you will be thrilled to get home to realize you have done what it takes to keep your skin safe.

Step #1: Sunscreen. You will want to apply sunscreen early and often when you are headed to the beach.  Before your toes even hit the warm sand you will want to make sure you have applied a broad-spectrum sunscreen that is SPF-30 or higher.  You will want to apply sunscreen liberally and regularly throughout the day.  If you go into the water you will want to reapply sunscreen when you get out of the water.  Even if you don’t go into the water you will want to reapply your sunscreen every two hours for the best protection.

Step #2: Hydrate. Before, during and after your trip to the beach you will want to make sure you are keeping the fluids flowing.  When you’re thinking about what you should be drinking at the beach, you should be drinking water, maybe Liquid IV and even a sports drink to revive your electrolytes.  Hydration is critical to your overall well-being as well as your skin health.  Not only will hydrating keep you safe and free from dehydration and sun stroke, it will have the added benefit of being good for your skin by maintaining it’s elasticity and reducing the risk of sunburn.

Step #3: Limit your exposure. Whether you’re going to the beach to get a good tan or to enjoy a dip in the ocean, you will be exposed to the sun for long stretches of time.  You should take steps to limit your exposure where you can.  For instance, you may want to bring an umbrella to sit under so you are not baking in the sun all day long.  You can take some time out from under the umbrella to work on your tan, but when you are just sitting and relaxing you may want to limit your sun exposure.  You will also want to do this by utilizing a sun hat and sunglasses to protecting your skin and eyes.

If you’re heading to the beach this summer you should absolutely enjoy yourself and you will enjoy yourself much more if you take the necessary steps to keep your skin from becoming damaged.  While a good skincare routine is the perfect first step, taking the steps listed above will go a long way in making sure you come home from the beach looking even better and more glowing then you did when you left for your day of sun and fun.

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